Nuestras Manos now at The Camp!

Sooooo, some pretty big news to share with everyone.

Before we left to Germany, Jeff and I talked about how cool it would be to re-model a little Shasta trailer, and make it into a business.  It never moved beyond dreaming, at that point.
Last week, Jeff sent me this:
Which looked and sounded awesome!  We figured nothing was lost with sending an email to get a little more information, the whole time thinking it wouldn’t get beyond that.
Not even ten minutes after I sent the email, I heard back from one of the owners of the business, we chatted with him during Jeff’s lunch break, and made an appointment to stop by the shop that same night and chat with them a little bit more.
The whole time, Jeff and I kept asking ourselves how bad we wanted this: the couple that was selling it had several people that previously said they were interested, only to bail at the last minute.  They wanted to make sure that we were serious about the business, and on the whole drive there, we were asking ourselves if we were serious, and if we were willing to say yes if it was offered to us.  We decided our answer was “yes.”  We figure we always over-think things, and for once we decided that being irrational and crazy was the way to go.
We met with Kyle and Ari that night, and absolutely fell in love with the place, and with them.  I’m honestly way bummed that they’re moving to Seattle, because they would be a great couple to hang out with!
Although we loved the place and they liked us, there was one person who had met with them before, and had taken priority in line.  We had to wait on pins and needles for a little over a day before we heard from Kyle that there was a slight chance that the person ahead of us was not going to get approved by the landlord.  It was enough to make us jump for joy!  That whole week was a whirlwind…between emailing back and forth, waiting, excited, but trying not to be excited, and then absolutely excited again.  On Friday night we got a call from Kyle saying that we were definitely in: the landlord reviewed our application and approved us!
This week has been another waiting game, waiting for the lease and waiting to see our little place again!  But tonight we met up with Kyle and Ari, signed our lease, paid, shared some great stories over delicious food, and then we went to visit our new little home away from home:
So here we are, and Sunday will be our first day as owners and operators of….NUESTRAS MANOS!  We will continue carrying the current inventory, and replenishing vintage awesomeness, as well as adding Jeff’s art and wood prints, not to mention some exciting stuff that Jeff’s dad has been working on, as well as my own craftiness.  The great thing is that I can also continue to do my legal work from there or in the mornings before opening shop, and Jeff can start dedicating more time to his photography and art, once we both get all settled in 🙂
We know it’s completely random and out of the blue, but we couldn’t be more excited!  We also can’t thank Kyle and Ari enough for trusting us with their little baby, and giving us such an exciting adventure (not to mention how easy they have made this whole process for us).
In a couple weeks, we hope to have the place ready for a “grand re-opening,” and hopefully all of you can join us in celebrating our new adventure!